Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

My apologies to those of you who were expecting part II of my travels in Australia.  As I mentioned in my last post I'm giving it the Hollywood treatment, which includes keeping people on the hook for years between installments.  However, since I probably won't have this blog in a couple of years due to my time commitment as George Clooney's rebound fling, let's make it a couple of weeks.  Now let's seamlessly segue into-

My birthday was last week, and now that you know you're probably wondering how old I am.  For those of you who automatically wished me a Happy Birthday in your head, I'd like to say thanks and I'm sorry you don't have any real friends.  Anyway, I've reached the age where society is pressuring me to feel so insecure about my age that I should be either cagey or defensive if anyone has the nerve to bring it up.  Well, I do not stand for that nonsense, I sit and blog about it.  So if you're still wondering how old I am, let's just say I'm old enough to remember mix tapes, acid wash jeans, car phones, Axl Rose when he was young and skinny, who Axl Rose is without a "my parents like it" reference, Saturday morning cartoons on network TV, when the Gap was cool, and the Olson twins as babies.  

Now that I've dated myself (because no one else will - oooo, take that, me!), I suppose the next step is sharing all of the pearls of wisdom I've gathered on my journey through life so far.  I suppose I could give it some serious thought and come up with some deep and meaningful insight that only comes through brutal self-reflection, or I could just direct you to my Twitter feed where I post my most inspired and drunken thoughts.  Yeah, I think I'll do that second one.  I guess that's one life lesson I've learned: you'll always get where you're going faster if you take the shortcut.  And even if there is no shortcut, always enjoy the ride!

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